20 February, 2012


Hahaha... I couldn't resist.
Bag, Jewellery, Belt - Vintage/Charity Shops/DIY
High-Waist Zipper Pants - American Apparel
Ganesh T-Shirt - Ebay (From Thailand)

Ahhhhh man this T-shirt! I was very happy with Mr. Postman this morning! I have been hunting for one of these tees for so long now, and finally I found this beauty off Ebay. It took a while to arrive as it came from Thailand but it was well worth the wait. I love how the print completely covers all areas of the shirt, not only that but it's so rich in colour and seems like a really quality t-shirt. I thought I would pair it with black to bring the colours out even more. I love it!

Even though this t-shirt is beautiful to look at, I love it for more than just that. I'm really into symbolism, religion, mythology and different cultures. I may be an atheist yes, but faith in religion fascinates me. I completely appreciate all religions as I see them as being a thing that people can confide in and turn to (therefore bringing happiness into peoples' lives). It is just the hypocritical side of things that I do not like. Nevertheless, some religions can be portrayed in a beautiful and creative form. For instance, Hinduism. Ganesh/Ganesha/Ganesa/Sanskrit/Ganapati: The Lord of obstacles and the Lord of beginnings, a guardian of arts, sciences, intellect and wisdom. Possibly the most well known and widely worshipped deity across the World. After all, it was creativity and imagination from the human mind that brought this religion together in the first place. And then for people to confide in it and believe in it, I find fascinating. It is just a big bonus that the imagery is beautiful...


  1. your hair is gorgeous & i looooove your T-shirt! xx


  2. I love your sense of style! great top too



  3. I love this and all your style! It's so unique..
    I also aould like to ask what size is your ganesh t-shirt?
    Thanks :D
