08 February, 2012

Black heart inertia

Jewellery, leather belt - Vintage/self-made
Acid wash denim jacket - Etsy (vintage)
Black chiffon shirt - American Apparel
Creepers - Underground
Bowler hat - H&M (really old)

Well this is my cat Myrtle. Had to introduce her to you sometime. She looks like she's not enjoying my attention but really... she loves it. Anyway. I'm still not sure about this hat, it's been over a year since I bought it for festivals, but I have only just started wearing it regularly. It's pretty chilly outside so I have been wearing beanies constantly, I thought I would change it up a bit by wearing mr. bowler.

I would highly recommend investing in one of these american apparel shirts (well, I would highly recommend buying anything American Apparel - I am slightly obsessed as you will notice in the near future). It's a staple item in my wardrobe, especially in this colour, this shirt goes with everything. Chiffon, soft, sheer... perfect. I want it in every colour!

Man I wish this jacket wasn't so big. I reckon I can just about get away with it... With etsy/ebay stuff I guess you are never too sure how it will fit or look, but I am glad I took the chance with this jacket as it's so easy to throw on with high waisted black skinnies and a crop top or whatever. 
Anyway my bed is calling me, good night :)


  1. ooh I like this - I like this a lot x

  2. you're very beautiful! that jacket looks like one of the acid wash jackets I sell on my Etsy shop, that are also available on my regular Miracle Eye website seperate from Etsy. haha. The H&M near me never has bowler hats in stock :-(

    1. thankyou! that's very kind of you. ha what a coincidence I was looking on your online store earlier! it's amazing there are so many things I want! and i'm not so sure that they sell them anymore as I got this one ages ago xx

  3. love this-I've got a similiar shirt from a charty shop but it's a bit shapeless. I really like the oversizedness of the jacket x
