28 February, 2012


Leopard Print Jeans - Motel
Bralet - Urban Outfitters
Black Buckle Boots - Ebay
Bag, Jewellery, Belt - Vintage, Markets, DIY

Well these are officially the comfiest trousers ever. They are super thin and stretchy which makes them really easy to wear and ideal for this hot weather! Also high-waisted (you know how important this is to me!) and a really soft material. Motel Rocks do these awesome trousers (they are actually called 'Motel Jordan Skinny Jean' on the website) in all different kinds of colours and prints - you should check them out! 

And yeahhh I know still looking pasty, it has been quite overcast today but towards the end of the day the sky cleared, and the sunset was the most beautiful I have ever seen. I wish I had my camera to take a photograph to show you, but i'm sure there will be many more opportunities! I also went to a little marketplace today where I got two really cute rings for like $9! I am not sure whether you can see them in the photos (it was dark and my shutter speed was pretty slow so sorry about the blur), but they are adjustable which I think make the rings really versatile to wear as you can swap and change fingers when you want to wear different rings! I could have bought so much jewellery. But I have self-control. Ok. I don't, at all. I just don't have enough money. Ha good night :)

26 February, 2012


Possibly theeee tastiest thing I have ever eaten... This was when I stopped in Miami to change flights. I hadn't eaten for hours (I really hate plane food), so it filled the spot nicely. 
Outside Miami airport... It had been a while since I had had a cigarette, oh was I happy when they said you could go outside to smoke. I wanted to stay in Miami longer!!
And these are taken outside my sister's appartment...

Velvet Bodice, Bag, Jewellery - Vintage/Markets/DIY
Creepers - Underground

Finally arrived in Cayman after such a loooong flight! And man was it HOT today. I apologise for the lack of posting, I am jet lagged and have been sleeping an awful lot. I can't believe I am here - I feel so lucky! The weather is more beautiful than I remember and the sunsets... Well. You can see for yourself. 

Yeeeeah so on the tan front - mine takes a while ya know... Looking pretty pasty as you can see - it's probably going to be that way for a while!! I swear ever since I dyed my hair lighter, my skin all of a sudden looks a lot lighter too. Ahh well I must be patient - even though I do look like a weirdo against everyone else.

This was just another quick post - I am still so so tired so I am going back to sleep! Good night :) 

24 February, 2012

California Analog Dream

Shirt, Jewellery, Backpack - Vintage/DIY/Markets
Boots - Ebay
Glitter Socks - Topshop
Lace & Silk Shorties - River Island (I HATE that place but these are cute and they were £3 sooo i'm not going to turn that down am I!!)

Woooow what a beautiful day it has been! So typical as I am moving to Grand Cayman tomorrow - just my luck, the weather brightens up as I am about to leave!! Ahh well more sunshine to come! I have never worn this shirt before, thought I would try it out... It transformed my outfit into a grungeyish barbie girly kind of look. Yeah you get what I mean. HA. I can't say I ever wear pink... Ever. So it was quite unusual, but I kind of like it!! I thought these little lace shorties looked cute underneath, and I am a big fan of lace against grungey textures (fishnets/sheer see-through material/netting/silk etc). I know they are meant to be underwear pj short things but who caaares. I like them! Oh and you definitely can't go wrong with matching glitter socks... I went all out today didn't I. Never looked so girly in my life!

Soooo anyway, this is a little froggy from my pond. He didn't like being held that much, he jumped off me a couple of seconds after he had his little photoshoot. What a diva. Yeah sooo a girly barbie grungey outfit with... a frog. Whats next? 

Maybe an iguana...

See you in the Caribbean!!